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Hello everyone!

This is my first week being here at the MTC, and so far it is amazing! The spirit is so strong here. I love it. Everyone is just so happy and kind.

The first day I got here, I arrived around 1 o'clock and was greeted by two Elders that helped carry my bags into a room where I got a lot of paperwork that told me my schedule, and I got my missionary name tag! It's so different having to put a name tag on and keep it on all day, but I love having it. After I got my name tag and paperwork, I was sent to the bookstore to grab my books for class in the Cebuano language and then sent to my classroom where there were 3 Sisters and 4 Elders I got to join. What kind of sucked about class was they just threw us into the language. So instead of learning the basics of Cebuano, we had to learn full on sentences. It was insane. During class I got to meet my companion. Her name is Sister Tauteoli (sounds like ravioli), and I absolutely love her. She is Tongan but was born in the United States and lives in Salt Lake City! She can only understand Tongan because her parents speak it at home, but it's kind of hard for her to speak it. It's so cool watching her communicate with other Tongans because she can just pick up on what they're saying. She is just like me and I love it. The way we connect is so cool. We communicate with investigators and can read each other so well. She is totally awesome. I love her. I also got to meet my roommates here at the MTC. All of my roommates are going to the Philippines, are serving in Cebu/Cebu East, and are speaking Cebuano. Two of the Sisters are from Australia, Sister Tago, and Sister Kennach. They are companions and they are so funny and have awesome, little Australian sayings. The other Sisters who are companions are Sister Nalawas, who is from Vanuatu, and Sister Tatarata-Maheahea, (I know, super long and confusing, but so cool) who is from Tahiti. Sister Nalawas is so sweet but super shy. Her English isn't all that great so she doesn't talk much, but she is definitely trying. Sister Tatarata-Maheahea has an amazing personality. She is always smiling and is always so cheerful and happy no matter what the situation is.

I also got to meet my zone and I love it! The funny thing is, I'm the only white girl, so I stick out like a sore thumb whenever my zone and I go places. It's hilarious. But, my companion and I are the only Americans in our zone, everyone else is from different islands, like Christmas Island (Not making this up), Marshall Island, Fiji, Tahiti, etc. And they're always laughing at my companion and I because we don't sound "normal" and have funny accents. But they're so awesome. I love them all. The first day was so long, but loads of fun.

The second day of being at the MTC was super long as well. We had class around 7:30 and it lasted for about 2-2 1/2 hours! The only time I can sit for 2 hours is when I'm watching Netflix! haha. After class we had gym for the first time, and I got to play volleyball. My team was pretty good, I played with my roommates and we played against some of the guys in our zone. We totally dominated.

We then had a "People & Your Purpose Workshop", where we watched videos of people who weren't LDS, but had been through a lot in life and still believe that there is a God and he has a plan for us. They were such amazing people. To see what they go through/have been through and to still be super happy and optimistic is just crazy. It really makes me look at my life and realize that my life is a piece of cake and I shouldn't take it for granted.

After the workshop, my zone and I met with the Branch President and his counselors. They went over the rules of being a Missionary and gave us little assignments, like writing a talk before every Sunday, just in case one of us has to give it. I'm so nervous, I can't write talks by myself! They then interviewed us and asked us how we were doing and if we needed anything. The only thing I need is a nap and maybe some Netflix. haha.

My P-days are Friday, so that's when we get to go to the Temple! I got to go to the Temple and it was so beautiful! The Spirit was so strong. I love the Temple. I then went to class for a while, then changed into "regular" clothes, and did some laundry. I am now going to the gym to play some more volleyball and run!

So far the week is pretty crazy and long. But it's been a lot of fun being here. The language I'm learning is so cool, but at times frustrating to get.

I love you all and hope you are having an amazing day/week! You're all such beautiful people and I'm so thankful to have you all in my life.


-Sister Johnson

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