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Philippines Mission--Week 21

Once again . . . Kamusta mo?!

Just 3 more weeks and it's already going to be transfer day! I can't believe how time has flown by! And guess what?? Just one or two more days and I hit 7 months being on my mission. I still can't believe that I've been gone from my home for 7 months already. It seriously feels like I just left. Time has been flying by.

So here's my wonderful week so far!

Wednesday, August 26th, was the day that I went on splits with my new STL, Sister Labador! We were only able to teach 3 people because we had to return back to her home early and have her evaluate me, and then we had to travel back to Danao which takes about 45 minutes. But those 3 lessons were pretty awesome. The 1st person we went to was a less active, Sister Flores. We taught her, "The Gift of the Holy Ghost."

We then taught an investigator, Sister Mary Grace about, "The Pre-Earth Life/Agency." She had her boyfriend over and some of his friends (which is the worst, because it's tons of people and I'm nervous to speak in Bisaya) but once I got started teaching them all, the nervousness just melted away, and the Spirit helped me to communicate what I wanted. I loved it!

After that, we walked over to another less active's home, Sister Dayrit, and taught her about, "Our Purpose on Earth/Agency." At first she wasn't really into the lesson because she was a little distracted, but once we started asking her many questions that she could think about and answer, she started to be interested in our conversation. She asked us many questions, even ones that are deep doctrine, but we just told her, that she can prepare herself to enter into the Temple, and there she can find answers to many of her questions.

After we taught everyone, we walked back to the house, (which took about 20 minutes because their area is so far) and Sister Labador evaluated me. It was so funny because she told me, "Sister Johnson, before we went out the door and started teaching, I thought to myself, Sister Johnson won't understan; she can't speak the language still, she's going to struggle. But when you started teaching, I was mesmerized! You can speak and understand Bisaya!" After she told me that, I looked at her and said, "Is that why you were just staring at me the whole time I was teaching?? I thought I was saying something wrong." It was a really fun split I had with Sister Labador. She gave me really good advice and really helped me to feel the Spirit and teach like Christ.

August 27th, Thursday, Sister Canar and I visited some less actives that haven't come to church in quite a while. The first people we taught were Brother and Sister Rosales. They told us that they have the desire to come back, and they really want to come to church, but the problem is their children. Their children don't want to go to church, so they're thinking, 'Why come to church without our children? It's not complete.' In the middle of the lesson, Sister Rosales got up and left so we just finished teaching Brother Rosales. We told Brother Rosales that if he starts coming back to church every Sunday, he will set an example for his family and they will be blessed. We then committed him to come to church and he said, "Yes, I will come to church whether my family goes or not."

The next less active family we visited was Brother and Sister Sois-e. We taught them about, "Faith in Jesus Christ." During the lesson they didn't really seem too interested in listening, but we told them that if they have faith in Jesus Christ, they need to act on that faith. Faith isn't merely a word... it's action! If you have faith, act on that faith, do something about it. We then committed them to come to church and they agreed that they needed to come back.

August 29th, Saturday, Sister Canar and I got to attend a fireside in Danao. The missionaries got to perform a special musical number in the middle of the fireside. We ended up singing, "Go Forth With Faith." It was so awesome being able to sing in a "choir" again. The fireside was pretty fun. We watched videos about missionary work and why it's so important that the members act as missionaries and do their part. After the fireside, we gave out a Book of Mormon to all the members and told them to write their testimony in the back and give it to a friend. I challenge each of you to do the same. Ask for a Book of Mormon from the missionaries and write your testimony of it. Then give it to your friend and talk about how that book has changed your life. Don't be afraid to spread the gospel to your friends thinking they'll be offended. It may be scary at first, but if you rely on the Spirit, it can guide you and help you say what you need/want to your friends/family.

August 30th, Sunday, Sister Canar and I went to church and some of the less actives we taught a couple of days before came back to church! Brother Rosales, and Sister and Brother Sois-e! It was so awesome seeing them come back to church. Brother Rosales joined Sister Canar and I in the "Gospel Principles" class and was really into the lesson. He kept answering questions, making comments. It was so cool seeing him enjoy himself whether or not his family was there. Of course it's really hard and sad that his family wasn't there to enjoy the happiness as well, but I know that if he continues to have faith and endure, his family will be blessed and they will all eventually come back together.

I know that the more we rely on the Lord and have faith in Him, whether we see the end result or not, He WILL provide for us. He wants to give us blessings and make our lives easier, we just have to do our part and let Him help us.

I love you all so much! Have an awesome week.


Sister Johnson

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