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Philippines Mission: Week 25--"Worthy to Stand."

Kamusta mo! So this letter will be little because we only had a couple of days before our next P-day, but the days are filled with lots of information and spirit!

September 25th, Friday, Sister Acosta and I had our weekly planning and then went out and taught! We went and visited Sister Reamae Bentoy, she's 16 years old and less active. We ended up teaching her about faith because she hasn't come to church because she's too shy. We told her to trust the Lord and have faith that she will have a good experience if she comes back to church. We told her that we can return to her house Sunday at 8 a.m. and pick her up for church, and she accepted.

That night, we went and visited the Morales family who are less active as well, and we taught them about faith and obedience to God's commandments. The father is the one who's mainly the less active in the family because of work. He says that he really wants to come back to church, but is always working to make money for his children so they can have the things that they want. We shared 3 Nephi 13:33, and told them that if they rely on the Lord and seek the kingdom of God first, and not worldly things, they can be given so many blessings. Once again, the lesson was filled with so much love and Spirit. It was insane.

On September 26th, Saturday, was the busiest and probably my favorite day of the week. Sister Acosta and I went and visited about 8 people and had so many "testifying contacts" because we decided to be brave and rely on the Spirit. One of my favorite things that happened this day, was that we had planned on visiting an investigator, but got punted, so we started walking away and heard a man yell something. Sister Acosta then looked at me and said, "Sister Johnson, he said to come by and visit them." During my training, I HATED tracting, which is 'knocking on doors' and teaching people you don't even know. But as a trainer, you kind of have to teach your trainee how to tract, so we decided to go and teach them. And I was probably more nervous than Sister Acosta. I had to lead everything because she's new and doesn't know how, and so I was nervous about screwing up. We ended up teaching a lady named Mary Jean and her relative Hennrick. At first, when I was sharing, I kept stumbling over my Bisaya, but then I decided to kind of just relax and let the Spirit guide; and just like that, my Bisaya was smooth. I had no problems speaking or understanding. And I have to say, that was probably my favorite lesson we had that day because of how much you could feel the Spirit. It was really strong; I loved it. Sister Acosta and I each bore our testimonies and committed her to read and pray about our message. I then decided to commit her to baptism. She was hesitant because of her husband, but we decided to get a return appointment to teach her again, and she said we could return. After the lesson while Sister Acosta and I walked away, we both looked at each other and just smiled and screamed quietly because we were filled with so much love for the people we taught. I literally felt like angels were surrounding us.

Then on September 27th, Sunday, Sister Acosta and I traveled to Sister Bentoy's house and picked her up, then traveled back to Carmen to the church. We participated in the 'Young Women's' group with Sister Reamae Bentoy because she was too shy to go by herself. After that, some of the young women hung out with Sister Reamae and so Sister Acosta and I left and participated in a 'Gospel Principles' class. Then afterwards we went and participated in the Sacrament. Because Sister Acosta is new, she had the chance to go up and bare her testimony. She has a very strong testimony of this church. Even though her knowledge isn't strong, you can still feel the Spirit when she bares her testimony because you can feel God's love.

After church Sister Acosta and I visited some recent converts and then traveled to Luyang to visit some less actives, but got punted. So we walked down the beach for a couple of minutes before going and visiting the Ramayla family, a very active family in the church. This was probably my favorite lesson today because of how strong the Spirit was in their home while teaching. We had planned to teach them about tithing, but then I told Sister Acosta that we'd share about missionary work. But then when we followed up their family reading/praying, the mother told us that they don't do it together anymore so I decided to share about the importance of praying/reading as a family. It's really scary being a trainer because your trainee doesn't know the people, their concerns, and she doesn't know how to actually be a missionary because she's brand new in the field. And before, I would rely on my other companions to help me out, but this transfer I have to rely on the Spirit more than my companion. I decided to choose Mosiah 1:5 and talk about how when we read the scriptures, we can find out the many mysteries of God and His secrets for us in this life.

After teaching them for a while, I tuned to Sister Acosta for her to bare her testimony, and she had shared about Alma/Amulek and missionary work because she had thought we were sharing about missionary work. At first I thought, "Hmm, how am I going to take what she said about spreading the gospel to other people, and apply it into what I said earlier about reading/praying as a family?" But instead of worrying, I just relied on the Spirit. And every thing literally worked out. Because I didn't rely on myself, the lesson went smoothly. The Spirit was SO strong during the lesson, it literally felt like Heavenly Father was in the room at that very moment. We both bore our testimonies and the Spirit was even stronger. Sister Ramayla started crying. I started crying. It was one of my favorite lessons that whole day.

The end of this week has been . . . well, there's no words to describe how happy I am. I'm just filled with the love of Heavenly Father and the Spirit this whole week. It's been an amazing experience being with Sister Acosta so far and hearing her strong testimony and seeing that desire she has in her eyes to serve the Lord. This week has been filled with SO much Spirit and SO many "testifying contacts." We have talked to literally everyone we come into contact with, and a lot of them have given us appointments to visit them. We've had many lessons that have all been filled with the Spirit.

As I'm typing this letter, I'm listening to this EFY song and it just makes me think of this week that I've had with Sister Acosta.. Not only can missionaries apply it to their mission, but epecially all members.

It's called, "Worthy to Stand,"

"The battle rages on . . . in the shadow of another day. Its harder to be strong, when so many here have lost their way.

I will give and I'll fight. I . . . will give all that I am. And put my life in heaven's hand. Even when good men fall in every land. I'll be worthy to stand. . .

I will not despair. I will listen for the Master's call. I will be prepared. I'll be ready to surrender all.

I will go, I will do. Be the witness that I promised to. I will give all that I have. Put my heart in heaven's hand. I'll defend the cause of truth in every land. I'll be worthy to stand."

I hope this week, you will all rely more on the Spirit and let it guide you to a better life!

I love you all!


Sister Johnson


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